Java generic paged lazy List with JSF/JPA example implementation


November 4, 2012 – PageList has now been released on GitHub!

Here’s a list implementation I came up with to enable true paged data fetching completely transparent to any List user. It works independent of persistence layers, such as JPA implementations etc and it can be used by anything that only needs a List, such as a < rich:dataTable >.

Lazy loading with the PagedList

Originally I made the PagedList because I needed paged data fetching using JMS queues for a JSF Rich datatable and datascroller; a common problem in JSF but less commonly solved, even less documented and less still solved in an elegant way. Most people are able to solve this problem by using an OpenSessionInView antipattern (keeping Hibernate-oid session open until the view requests the lazy loaded data) but since I’m using JMS queue, this was not an option. Alternative solutions include using contrived JSF specific extended data table models and what not; I decided to circumvent the entire JSF to JMS queue integration by providing my data in a lazy paging list. It works beautifully.

It is different from Apache’s LazyList (and many other implementations) in that it relies on an external dataprovider to provide the dataset’s total size, pagesize and data provision itself. For example, using my lazy list version the size() method actually returns the total size of data potentially available, not just physically available in the list at the present. This way the list works completely transparent to its users. Also, there is no simple factory being passed in that creates dummy objects or something: actual remote data is being fetched in pages by a data provider. Pages being fetched are independent of each other; when requesting page 5, page 1 through 4 are not needed or fetched.

The PagedList works in combo with a PagedDataProvider interface that external dataproviders (some dao for example) could implement. So it has no dependencies whatsoever on some specific implementation. The paged data provider provides the total size of the dataset, the page size and pages of the dataset itself when needed.

Example implementation for JSF and JPA dao

Here’s an example implementation which ties a JSF Richfaces datatable to a JPA dao using a PagedList. I cut out the service layer, view handlers/controllers for sake of simplicity.

About TDto

This is a generic type for the PagedList and PagedDataProvider. To the paging list is doesn’t matter what objects it contains / returns and, being a List itself, the paging list uses this information to type itself as a List<Dto> instance.

In the above example, for brevity purposes, the AppleDto object returned by the DAO is directly used in in the paged list. This can be dangerous if the entity is actually a JPA lazy loading proxy: a service class could be sitting in between to convert the JPA entity into a POJO version ready for use in the JSF view. The paged list doesn’t care where the dto’s come from, since a data provider transparently provides them.

About TQueryParameters

This also is a generic type for the PagedList and PagedDataProvider. It can be anything and is only meant to be used when initially creating the list and when providing new data. This way, the data provider can be sure to use the same criteria over and over again when returning a new page of data. Otherwise a page from a completely different dataset might be returned or the order might have been switched around.

This example is very basic, but you can ofcourse include which column to sort on, which direction etc. Here’s a real world example where the search criteria are explicitely defined, because the are communicated over JMS:

Stale data detection

There is an issue with lazy loading in general: synchronizing the lazy loading list with the remote dataset to avoid becoming stale when changes happen to the dataset.

To solve this, the PagedList provides three levels of stale data detection, or rather, three different resolutions, as each option looks for differences more precise and often. You can provide this option by passing in a DataIntegrityCheckingMode flag into the constructor:

However, there is a limit to this solution. As long as the dataset’s size doesn’t change, we won’t know if the data itself has changed or not. Example: when the dataset changes but the same number of rows is being returned from the database, the size of the list is not being updated and the get() method may return the wrong item.

  • Brian Burttram

    Seems like a very interesting example, though I’d like to see what your TDto and TQueryParameters objects. Any chance you could put those up as well?


  • Brian Burttram

    Seems like a very interesting example, though I’d like to see what your TDto and TQueryParameters classes look like. Any chance you could put those up as well?


    • Benny Bottema Post author

      I’m not sure what you are looking for but I added a bunch of examples and clarified a bit here and there.

      Everything is there, except for the JPA annotations and the named query itself (I don’t have access to that anymore).


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